Ahk v2
Ahk v2

Download official AutoHotkey releases directly from the UI.Displays currently active version of AHK.Displays the latest versions of AHK v1 and v2 (with internet connection only).Checks for updates when prompted, or does so automatically if enabled.Define as many versions of AHK as you want to run in parallel.Associate any text editor with "Edit Script" in context menu easily.Selectively choose which context-menu items appear in the context menu.See the Fully Portable Mode section below. Download Ahk2Exe automatically (updates for pre-existing installs are still manual).Download/remove AHK versions directly from the UI.The default base folder is in %A_ScriptDir%\versions. Simply download your desired release(s) of AutoHotkey_H and extract the ZIP to a subfolder in the base folder. If you want to use AutoHotkey_H with this program, you can. In Fully Portable mode no registry modifications are performed, and the program must remain running in the background. As an installer, registry entries are written to the system to implement the. This program can be run as an installer, or as a portable program. This program will choose the EXE based on that criteria. Run multiple versions of AHK simultaneously without switching by using the #Requires directive in your scripts.Change/Switch the active AHK EXE version when desired.

ahk v2

zip archives of AutoHotkey, NOT the setup. This script is meant to work with the portable. This is a portable install manager and allows multiple versions of AutoHotkey to coexist simultaneously. DaveT1 - for having a keen eye to find what I missed.

ahk v2

Special thanks to the following users for their help and/or works that I was able to derive from, which were crucial to making this script what it is today:

  • fixed execution of #Requires directive to filter by major version, as is done by AHK.

  • Ahk v2